Cash or cheque payments are strictly prohibited.
Please check your law of land. Is it permitting such services?
Only you are responsible for all legalities of your country, state and place in every respect whatsoever.
This website is still under the designing and development phase and the information available on it at any point of time during this designing and development phase shall be subject to change and verification.
We assume no liability regarding the content and information available on the website during the designing and development phase. Refer to the Terms & Conditions for further details.
It has come to the notice that certain persons and parties are falsely holding themselves out as authorized representatives of us and are making false representations to innocent members of the public wishing to apply to become a member of our business.
The public, trade and investors are hereby cautioned against such unauthorized schemes and are requested to co-operate with us by forthwith bringing such schemes to our attention. We will not be liable to entertain any claim on account of dealings that any member of the public, trade, or investors may have with such fraudulent persons and/or parties who pose to be agents/authorized representatives of our business when they are not.
Please note that we are not seeking any collaboration to open our business in any place if it already signed off at this time.
Any and all representative inquiries regarding the opening of non-operated areas should be applied directly from (https://ajaysaxena.in/node/add/license-application) only.
Apply for job of Business Development Executive only from here (https://ajaysaxena.in/node/add/job-application); There is only 1 post in 1 district.
We will use all the information for the fulfillment of its objectives in any manner which we think fit.